Audio Graphic Equalizer For Mac

  1. Music Equalizer iTunes Audio Windows Mac OS X Speakers Headphones. When you’re listening to music through cheap headphones or speakers, an equalizer will help even out the sound.
  2. Graphic Equalizer. Graphic equalizers give you the ability to adjust a range of frequencies using a bank of slider controls that are evenly spaced to boost or attenuate the signal through the audio spectrum from around 20 Hz up to 20,000 kHz. Basic graphic equalizers will have two or three bands, while more advanced graphic equalizers can have.

Free 7-band graphic equalizer pedal effect plug-in.

Apply quick EQ adjustments to enhance the tone while still offer intuitive and straightforward controls

In the Equalizer Preset pop-up menu, pick the setting you’d like for that song and click OK. Not only will the song always play with that EQ preset on your Mac, but the preset will carry over.

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Movie junkies are in for a fun ride this month with the Avengers Endgame release and A Game of Thrones coming towards its epic end. When’s a better time than now to set up your own home theater? Even if you already have one, revamping it with the best graphic equalizer will give you the theater feel at home!

A home audio system is incomplete without a graphic equalizer. Not only does it maximize your audio experience, but it also allows you to adjust the frequencies for different channels according to your preferences. Which brand to choose to make a perfect purchase, though?

Best Graphic Equalizer Reviews

In this article, we’ve rounded up the three graphic equalizers that we liked best to help you make your choice.

Audio Graphic Equalizer For Mac

1. EMB EB831EQ Graphic Equalizer

This is the latest model in EMB’s range of premium-quality graphic equalizers. EMB produces the best equalizers for professional use. You can use it to pump up your indoor party or your personal home theater.


  • Sleek Appearance

Overall, this model gives a sleek, professional look. The compact, sturdy construction will fit easily in your system and complement other components.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about making extra space for it. Measuring only 21 inches, it will easily pair up with a home theater or sound system to give your audio quality a boost.

  • Professional Operation

Operating this graphic equalizer is very easy. You can control the input with rotating controls at the front, and this will help you change the settings on the basic audio system.

Audio Graphic Equalizer For Mac

Apart from that, it has a state-of-the-art noise reduction system. This means that the circuit will omit any background sounds to make sure your audio is crystal clear.

In addition, it has a frequency cut filter that ranges up to 40Hz. With this control, you can adjust the different frequencies on different audios individually. Also, you can access its built-in limiter, which sets a certain threshold for the adjustment range so that the audio won’t go beyond that limit to distort the original sound or harm your hearing.

  • Accessibility

The best part about this model is that it’s easy to set up and use. It has two ¼-inch USB sockets in the front and two at the back. This means that you can just plug in any device that is USB-compatible and regulate your audio system.

Also, multiple sockets mean multiple devices. This graphic equalizer allows you to connect more than one device at a time to achieve clear, high-quality audio for everyone at home.


  • Includes woofers and subwoofers
  • Amazing bass
  • LED light equalizers light up when in use


  • Uses a lot of power
  • The fans are too loud at times

2. Rockville REQ231 Graphic Equalizer

Rockville is another well-known brand when it comes to high-quality graphic equalizers. This graphic equalizer from Rockville has all the features you need to complete your home theater set up. Let’s take a closer look.


  • Simple Yet Professional Look

This lightweight Rockville model will revamp your home theater in the most aesthetic and productive way. In addition, it sports a dual-channel equalizer system. With each channel, you will get 31 bands, maximizing your audio integration to the optimum level.

  • Easy Operation

Easy operation is one of this equalizer’s best traits. Firstly, it has a crossover switch equipped with LED lights. This filter switch helps omit the disturbances and distortions from mics and other audio generating devices.

Secondly, It has a bypass switch also adorned with LED lights for level notifications. This switch helps you double-check the sound systems before you’re ready to go.

  • Accessibility

To maintain the perfect audio frequency, you will need to check the level regularly. This model is equipped with sub output and sub input controls to give you leverage over the frequency, so you can set it to your preference.

Also, you can select whether you want to cut or boost a certain clip according to your needs through its 6dB to 12dB selectors.


Audio Graphic Equalizer For Mac
  • 600 ohms output impendence
  • Subwoofers output
  • Q filters
  • High equalization range
  • Less noise distortion


  • Cannot be used to convert or combine to stereo input
  • Creates a slight buzz during operation

3. Behringer MiniFBQ FBQ800 Graphic Equalizer

This Behringer model has all it takes to be the best graphic equalizer. Its amazing features will work together effectively to balance out sound levels to give you a flawless audio experience.


  • Stylish Appearance

This compact, stylish model is the addition you need to make your sound system perfect. It will easily fit into the trickiest spaces and won’t look bulky at all.

In addition, the flashy LED light controls give an illuminated touch to the overall design. The illuminated faders, potentiometers, and switches emit indicator lights when you operate them, making your sound system come to life.

  • Beginner-friendly Operation

If you’re a beginner, this equalizer is the one for you. The setup and operating system are easy. To balance out every aspect of your sound, you need to pay attention to the bass, frequency, and any background disruptions. In this device, the equalizer does that for you.

Once it’s connected to your desired device, the lights will show you how much you need to regulate the switches and sliders until you’re at the optimum level. This means that you don’t have to be an expert in order to create the perfect audio through this device.

  • Accessibility

Moreover, this model features a Feedback Detection Technology. This points out the critical problems in the frequency levels and analyzes the audio in order to omit them.

Also, it sports a low-cut filter system. This filters out the extra background noise that distorts the original audio, producing clear, audible sounds.

Apart from that, the sliders can help you work your magic in almost any way. You can increase or decrease the bass, balance the mix and the vocals, and regulate the frequency with a flick of a finger.


  • RCA inputs and outputs
  • Low noise operation
  • Nine bands
  • 9.5-inch compact body


  • Comes with a silver front only
  • Frequent usage may wear the sliders out

Audio Graphic Equalizer For Macbook Pro

Our Pick

Graphic Sound Equalizer Free Download

All of the abovementioned products show great potential through their features and specifications, but which one is our top choice? The one that ticks all the boxes and comes at a reasonable price is the Rockville model.

Not only does the REQ231 has LED notification systems on the controls, but it comes with the highest amount of bands as well. Also, you can operate multiple channels through one device. This makes it stand out from its counterparts.