Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Mass Effect 1 Values

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Gibbed Mass Effect Save Editor Texmod. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR BIOGHMFHIRPRO.pcc FILE BEFORE YOU START IN CASE YOU MESS UP. Easy Instructions (using.pcc): Paste the BIOGHMMHIRPROR.pcc into your game’s CookedPCConsole folder (BioGameCookedPCConsole). Skip to Step 8 under Manual Instructions! Manual Instructions (using.psk): Open ME3. In-game calculate how much 'Talent Points' your character would have after a respec and write it up, then load the savegame you want to modify with Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor. Under the 'Raw' tab, '- 2. Squad', and a expanded '+ Player' located these two fields directly under + Appearance: class Friendly name class Name 3.

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  • Maybe it's because I'm working off a Mass Effect 3 save rather than an ME2 save, or maybe it's just cause Liara wasn't in 2 and it screws things up a bit, but it seems to set the int value of 270 from 5 to 6 every time I start a new game.
  • For some very strange reason BioWare decided to normalize colour ranges for ME2. Thus, before Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor, then only way to get Freemen (Dune) 'blue within blue' eyes was to make a character in ME1 and then import it into ME2.without. doing extra modifications in the new facial editor.

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Hey guys. I don't have the time to run through ME2 again... and I seem to have lost my saves where I romanced Garrus.
So... here's the situation.
In my current save:

Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Mass Effect 1 Values Download

I romanced Liara in ME1
I stayed faithful to Liara in ME2, then did all the things in LotSB romance-wise to stick with her.
Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Mass Effect 1 Values I then broke up with her and romanced Traynor (not that I think this matters for a 'Load from ME3' file, but just in case)
I'd like to edit this save to reflect that:
I romanced Liara in ME1.
I broke up with her in ME2 but stayed friends, and completed LotSB using paragon interrupts for friendship and such.
I romanced Garrus in ME2.

Gibbed Me2 Save Editor

The intent is so I can play from beginning and load a fresh NG+ game in ME3 in which I can romance my main man Garrus. Which values to I need to change in Gibbed to make this happen?

Gibbed Mass Effect 2 Save Editor Mass Effect 1 Values Worksheet